Mobile Computing Laboratory (MCL)

lab and computers

The Mobile Computing Laboratory (MCL) conducts research in various areas of mobile computing with an emphasis on designing software applications for mobile devices.



Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems(CLOUDS) and Secure and Robust Distributed Systems (SARDIS) Laboratory


The Secure and Robust Distributed Systems (SARDIS) Laboratory is a significant research facility for faculty, staff, and students involved in computing and cybersecurity research efforts. SARDIS enables researchers to identify and evaluate new technologies on a variety of levels in support of security, reliability, availability, and performance applied to computer and information systems in distributed environments. This includes the study of enterprise, grid, wireless, ad-hoc and ubiquitous systems.

The SARDIS laboratory is designed to support the computing needs associated with problem modeling and simulation as well as limited scale experimental networks. Thus the system architectures are designed to be flexible and adaptable. This includes both a production level system and multiple localized clusters that could be reconfigured to create a larger and more complex cluster of nodes.

Illustration of the SARDIS Laboratory computer layout

CORTEX Labs Center of Opportunities in Research and Technology Emerging Experiences

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CORTEX is a set of labs for computing and technology students including an emerging technologies lab, technical sandbox, and a student collaboration/mashup lab.

Computer labs that provide the computing, software, and network resources to support computing education.

Engineering lab that provides resources to support engineering education. 

The CCE Interaction Lab/Classroom is used for design, development, evaluation, and dissemination of interaction techniques, interactive systems and applications in support of information collection, generation, and distribution.

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